Fulfillment of daniel's prophecy book

Since other prophecies found in the book of daniel, such as the 70year prophecy of jeremiah and the 70weeks prophecy indicating the year of the appearance of the messiah, were fulfilled exactly as predicted, we can have confidence that god also provided the details found in this prophecy in daniel 11 long before they took place. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Daniels prophecy of 70 weeks foretells the messiahs arrival. Filed under 1948, 2019, 2300, 70 years, bible prophecy, book of daniel, daniel, end times, fig tree, generation, hanukkah, judgment day, pole shift, signs, unsealed in end times and 2019, i argue that daniels 2300 year prophecy successfully predicted the events of june 1967 when jerusalem was united under jewishisraeli rule. Were the bible prophecies written before their fulfillment. The messianic time table according to daniel the prophet jews. They insert thousands of weeks into the final week resulting in non fulfillment of the prophecy. The fact that this prophecy of seventy weeks was fulfilled to the very day on the enoch calendar, which has only been understood recently, is a convincing vindication of the book s validity. The initial aspects of the prophecy of daniel 11 have taken place precisely as god predicted. For further study of fulfilled prophecy, see fulfilled prophecy is evidence of. People today are of the mindset that the events of the old and new testaments all happened back in. The prophecy of daniel 2 2018 biblical end time prophecy. It is very important to notice the date when this prophecy. We will find a great deal of fulfilled prophecy in daniel.

He not only takes care of his people in their present affliction, but is bringing an everlasting kingdom of peace, which was only prophesied in daniels day, but finds its fulfillment in jesus the messiah. We also show how he perfectly fulfilled joel s prophecy. Since the first 69 weeks of daniel were subject to literal fulfillment, it is a powerful argument that the final seventieth week will have a similar fulfillment. These examples are evidence that daniel is an authentic book of prophecy history written in advance. In either case, if he misstated the matter regarding daniel, his claim of being the son of god would be nullified. T he longest continuous prophecy in the bible is found in the 11th chapter of daniel. Heres a little history to highlight the power of prophecy. In the bible, the prophecy of seventy weeks is a prophecy given to daniel by the angel gabriel. In other words, mauro is unable to find any event within the seventieth week of daniel to fulfill the prophecy of the latter part of daniels seventieth week, and in the end is forced to abandon his major thesis that the prophecies of daniels seventy weeks are subject to literal fulfillment.

After angel gabriel declared to daniel the plans god has within 490 years dan 9. Daniel prophecy of seventy weeks is the backbone of all bible end time prophecy. The angel informs him that seventy weeks have been decreed for them, and then gives a detailed but cryptic description of those weeks. But the parts daniel himself was most desirous to know about are for the endtime soon to come. If the book of daniel was a fraudulent production, christ was either ignorant of the matter, or dishonest about the prophecys authorship. During the final week of daniel s prophecy, the gospel is preached only to the jews because of the strong covenant that jesus the anointed one or messiah made with the jewish people. God used cyrus, leader of medespersia, to set the jews free from babylonian captivity, and to empower them to rebuild the city of jerusalem and the temple. This goat was identified by the angel gabriel as being prophetic of the empire of the greeks that was to come. The book of daniel has been under attack for centuries as not being authentic. How daniels prophecy foretells the messiahs arrival.

This verse lists six different prerequisites for the fulfillment of this prophecy that will be a reality by the end of the 490 years, or seventy sevens. Bible prophecy provides us with a clear view of future events in the end time. Tom stapleton presents this four part prophecy series on the time of the end as told in the prophecies of daniel and revelation. The final fulfillment of daniel and revelation part 3 of 4. I questioned whether i would live to see fulfillment or even partial fulfillment of prophecy, until i became more than a casual observer. For in daniels prophecy, the messianic kingdom, symbolized by a stone, is on a collision course with human political governments, symbolized by an immense image. At this time, medopersia was conquered by greece, which rose to worldwide power in the third century b. In revelation 45, john sees a glorious vision of heaven and the worship of jesus christ by the heavenly hosts. The final fulfillment of daniel and revelation part 1 of. But the prophecy of 70 weeks is so much more than a messianic prediction. This prophecy we will refer to as daniels seventy sevens prophesy.

Alexander the great, and his empire, were the fulfillment of this, over 200 years later. Recent events appear to be setting the stage for the fulfillment of this pivotal prophecy. Seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city, to finish the transgression. According to the internal dating of daniel, it was compiled during the mid6th century bce. Sir robert anderson and the seventy weeks of daniel by tom stewart january 14, 2000. However, the prophecy contains a very simple guidepost which solves the mystery and defines its scope. But there are some strong possibilities that he also studied the book of isaiah.

Understanding biblical prophecy, especially daniels apocalyptic symbolism, can quickly become an overwhelming task. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading the book of daniel. No prophecy in the entire bible is more critical to understanding the end times than the seventy weeks of daniel. Apr 01, 2011 careful research by modern textual scholars, however, has validated the early origin of this prophecy, establishing daniel as the authentic author. Did the fulfillment of daniels prophecy of abomination of. It is daniels detailed accuracy in his prophecies that has caused many critics to try to. Furthermore, the righteousness of god required him to fulfill his promises. It is also about people being deliveredwhich is the greatest news in the bible. According to sir robert andersons calculations in the coming prince, the prophecy was fulfilled on the day jesus entered jerusalem riding upon the colt of the donkey palm sunday is recorded as april 6, 32 a. Seventy weeks 70 x 7 are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy. Alexander the great of greece rose up and ruled with great dominion.

The book of daniel is one of the most thrilling books in the bible, and it is, of course, a book on. Prophecies of daniel prophecies fulfilled, and yet to be. It no doubt would be of interest to some that jews for jesus, also known as messianic jews, printed a book telling how a number of jews came to believe in jesus as the messiah. How daniels prophecy foretells the messiahs arrival the prophet daniel lived more than 500 years before the birth of jesus. Trump prophecy trump fulfilled daniels prophecy youtube. However, just as the prophecy of the 10 toes kingdoms from king nebuchadnezzars dream awaits fulfillment in the future, the worst of romes persecution of israel is also future. Shortly after that, saulus will start his work all through the ancient world confirm the covenant with many, spreading the teachings of christ. Seven prophecies that must be fulfilled before jesus christs.

In these videos on the prophecies of daniel, ive tried to recreate visually what daniel saw and to explain it in a way which has been broadly accepted by students of bible prophecy for many centuries. Current and future events that fulfill bible prophecy. Heres a list of key figures who fulfilled the prophecy of daniel 11. Daniel 7 is the old testament chapter that most thoroughly prepares us for the book of revelation. Russells book of daniel is not your typical commentary on the book. Daniels seventy sevens prophecy begins with daniel 9. Daniels book prophesied events fulfilled many centuries ago as well as major events yet to come. Some critics have attacked the book of daniel, saying that its prophecies were actually written after their fulfillment. Alexander the great reads about himself in daniel chapter. That prophecy is found in the book of daniel, chapter 9.

A comparison of secular history with the biblical record will reveal the fascinating. Daniel 11 contains a long and detailed prophecy, largely fulfilled between the time of alexander the great and jesus christ. The book of daniel is unsealing focus on the middle east and prophecy. Yes, ive come to know that believing and doing are the parents of faith. Prophecy for today from daniel kindle edition by stendal, russell. In daniel 8, from 553 bc, we saw that daniel was shown a vision of a goat with one horn.

The prophetic seal on the book of daniel is unsealing right before our very eyes. The climax comes with the prophecy of the resurrection of the dead. Gods future program for israel daniel 9 evidence and answers. One of the most recognizable prophecies is the establishment of a world government, which will be ruled by the antichrist just prior to the battle of armageddon and the second coming of jesus christ. While rome fulfilled some aspects of daniels prophecy regarding the fourth kingdom it did not fulfill all that was written. Iran is biblical persia and, in retrospect, we can now see that the emergence of iran as a world power and a modernday growing global threat, is prophesized in the book of daniel. By jason jackson we recently received a question concerning the fulfillment of daniel 2. The four empires of daniels prophecies united church of god. The imagery, information, characters and timing found in daniel 7 are all seen more fully in revelation. The significance of sir robert andersons book, the coming prince 1895, should not be underestimated by modern students of bible prophecy, in that anderson not only ably defended daniel s authorship of the book of daniel from the scholarship of unbelief of the higher criticism of his day, but he clearly. One of these predictive declarations is found in daniel 9.

Every nation answering to one single global governing authority. Daniel s final vision is set in the third year of cyrus, king of persia. In fact, it includes the book of haggai, woven together with portions of revelation, galatians, joel, ezekiel, and zechariah. It details events affecting the jews from the 5th to the 1st centuries bce. Apr 27, 2018 king cyrus was the anointed one in isaiah s prophecy.

As end time prophecies are fulfilled, those who have read those prophecies in the bible will see their fulfillment and recognize them as the fulfillment of gods prophecies. It is the foundation roots of all end time prophecy even the johns apocalypse the book of revelation. Therefore, daniels prophecy regarding the fourth kingdom is for the future. There was a 7 year period between the death of christ and the time the gospel was sent out to the gentiles at the calling of cornelius. Before embarking on an indepth examination of this book, however, we need to consider evidence as to whether this book is truly authentic. Just as daniel foretold, this third kingdom was known for its extensive use of bronze.

Angel gabriel gave daniel 70 weeks prophecy with very clear timings. Nevertheless, jehovah revealed to daniel information that would make it possible to pinpoint the time when jesus would be anointed, or appointed, as the messiah, or christ. For further study of fulfilled prophecy, see fulfilled prophecy is evidence of gods existence and daniels prophecies. This prophecy was fulfilled approximately three centuries after daniels death. The book of daniel is unsealing middle east and prophecy. First, it is crucial to observe those for whom this prophecy is to find fulfillment, namely your people and your holy city verse 24. The election of donald trump a fulfillment of prophecy. Current and future events that fulfill bible prophecy this revelation timeline decoded bible study provides a list of current and upcoming events that may be significant in prophecy fulfillment, and to our lives in these end times.

Daniel s book prophesied events fulfilled many centuries ago as well as major events yet to come. The prophecy of daniel 9 stated that messiah would confirm the covenant or would cause the covenant to prevail with many of daniels people for the week or seven years. Biblical prophecy fulfilled kindle edition by sylvia wheatley. It reveals a history of the region, written in advance, from. That is to say, the fulfillment of the vision of daniel took place in the year a. Biblical scholars have catalogued more than three hundred amazing prophecies that find precise fulfillment in the life and labor of the son of god. The fulfillment of these prophecies continues into the 20th century, and they provide a wonderful hope, as succeeding issues of this magazine will explain. Johns vision depicts the reign of jesus christ, which, according to daniel, is inaugurated at the ascension of the son of man.

Fulfillment of bible prophecy in todays news the author of this sites politically incorrect, scripturally correct comments is raymond finney, who is solely responsible for statements and conclusions. It is known to most of us as the prophecy of 70 weeks, and it is the only prophecy in the bible that gives us a secular date by which we can accurately calculate the first coming of the messiah. Daniel reads in the books that the desolation of jerusalem must last for seventy years according to the. Taken from a series of sermons with a viewpoint from colombia. The parallels between this vision and daniel 7 indicate that it is the fulfillment of daniels prophecy. Dec 31, 2017 jesus fulfilled daniel s 70 weeks right on time with his atoning death and resurrection, providing amazing proof that he is the messiah. Daniel asks how long it will be before these things are fulfilled and is told, from the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that. Following the fall of babylon and during the first year of the reign of darius the mede, daniel received from god one of the most amazing prophecies of the bible. What this means is that daniels prophecies would not be fully understandable until the end times prior to christs return. The fulfilled weeks of daniel 70 weeks christian truth center. Since rome did not fulfill all that was written regarding the fourth beast kingdom, we can be sure that there will be another kingdom that will be the final fulfillment of this prophecy. In the bible, the prophecy of seventy weeks chapter 9 of the book of daniel is a prophecy given to daniel by the angel gabriel in response to daniel s prayer for god to act on behalf of his people and city i. Christs ascension in the first century fulfilled daniels prophecy and inaugurated the kingdom acts 2. There is one week 7 years of this prophecy still to come.

Jesus christ is going to return and establish the kingdom of god. The seventy weeks end with the ministry of jesus and the founding of the church. Since daniels vision coincides perfectly with actual events to such a degree that the skeptic is forced to label it history instead of prophecy, the christian apologist is left with the task of showing that the book of daniel was, indeed, written hundreds of years prior to the events it describes. This means that daniels prophecies about greece, rome and jesus presence on this earth occurred before they were fulfilled. History has dramatically revealed the fulfillment of these sacred predictions. Daniels dreams and visions in dreams and visions the prophet daniel saw amazing scenes of the future of the world. Daniel prophecy of seventy weeks christian truth center. It reveals a history of the region, written in advance, from daniel s time right up to the return of jesus christ. The book of ezekiel was written in advance of their fulfillment and the prophecies of jeremiah and isaiah can also be shown to be true predictions and not afterthefact writings. The book of daniel and you watchtower online library. Mar 29, 20 fulfillment of daniels first dream yet to come. The persecution of the jewish people was fulfilled, in part, in the first century during romes oppression of israel.

Bible prophecy charts the bible was designed to be a guide to all who wish to become acquainted with the will of their maker. Consider how clearly he determines the year of manifestation. The most detailed prophecy in the bible life, hope. The prophecy in daniel 12 is not only about a future time of trouble daniel 12. But you, daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end.

Chapters 10, 11 and 12 in the book of daniel make up daniels final vision, describing a series. Sir robert anderson and the seventy weeks of daniel. The fulfillment of bible prophecy indicates that the messianic kingdom was established in heaven in 1914. Published on dec 31, 2017 jesus fulfilled daniels 70 weeks right on time with his atoning death and resurrection, providing amazing proof that he is. The mod the messianic prophecies in the book of daniel. In other words, the fulfillment of the seventy weeks prophecy must occur with respect to daniels people and city national israel and the city of jerusalem. And in half a week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease daniel 9.

Did the fulfillment of daniels prophecy of abomination of desolation happen during the time of antiochus iv. Nov 01, 2008 did jesus confirm his covenant of love and mercy with daniels people for 7 years. Everything seems to point to donald trump as being the anointed ruler in daniel s 70 weeks prophecy. Fulfillment by amazon fba is a service we offer sellers that lets them store their products in amazons fulfillment centers, and we directly pack, ship, and provide customer service for these products. Is the stage being set for the fulfillment of daniel 11. But part of the prophecy remains to be fulfilled at the time of the end. Danielan authentic book of prophecy watchtower online. Daniel 12 bible prophecy deception not about end times.

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